MABEL Data : 004_20101211_Sierras

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Label: 20101210_Sierras Location: Sierras
Time Range: 2010-12-10T23:39:00.000000Z
Comments: There was fresh snow in the Sierras at the time of this flight. Surveying at 65,000 ft, the surface and high-elevation clouds can be confused in 10 kHz data. Thin cirrus clouds observed throughout the flight, though the ground was visible (as determined by CPL, which was flown concurrently).

Start Time End Time Point of Interest
2001-12-11T00:26:03.000000Z 2010-12-11T01:47:53.000000Z Sierra run

Flight/Segment Display File Count ATM Browse Download
004_20101211_Sierras/0016 Web Pages 43 No ATM BRW L2A Tar Combined KML
004_20101211_Sierras/0100 Web Pages 54 No ATM BRW L2A Tar Combined KML
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