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2017-2018 88°S Antarctic GPS Traverse Data

These are Trimble GNSS receiver files (*.T02), for the data collected along the 88º line of latitude. The date range covers 1 January 2018 – 7 January 2018. There are 2 different datasets (A and B) denoting that there were 2 different vehicles, each equipped with a unique GNSS system. When using these data (and for additional data details), please cite:


Brunt, K.M., Neumann, T.A. & Larsen, C.F. (2019). Assessment of altimetry using ground-based GPS data from the 88S Traverse, Antarctica, in support of ICESat-2. The Cryosphere, 13(2), 570–590, doi:10.5194/tc-13-579-2019.



2018-2019 88°S Antarctic GPS Traverse Data

Vehicle A

Vehicle B


These are GNSS RINEX files (*.18_ or *.19_) from a Septentrio receiver, for the data collected along the 88º line of latitude. The date range covers 3 January 2019 – 9 January 2019. There are 2 different datasets (A and B) denoting that there were 2 different vehicles, each equipped with a unique GNSS system. When using these data (and for additional data details), please cite:


Brunt, K.M., Neumann, T.A., & Smith, B.E. (2019). Assessment of ICESat-2 ice-sheet surface heights, based on comparisons over the interior of the Antarctic ice sheet. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(22), 13,072-13,078.



2019-2020 88°S Antarctic GPS Traverse Data


Vehicle A

Vehicle B


These are Trimble GNSS receiver files (*.T00), for the data collected along the 88º line of latitude. The date range covers 1 January 2018 – 7 January 2018. There are 2 different datasets (A and B) denoting that there were 2 different vehicles, each equipped with a unique GNSS system. When using these data (and for additional data details), please cite:


Brunt, K.M., Smith, B.E., Sutterley, T.C., Kurtz, N.T., & Neumann, T.A. (submitted). Two Traverses for the Assessment of Satellite and Airborne Altimetry over the Interiors of Ice Sheets.





ATLAS Data for Onboard Flight Science Receiver Algorithms


The Simplot Data Files are the data used in the generation of the Range Plot figures in both the paper and associated Supplemental Material: “ICESat-2/ATLAS Onboard Flight Science Receiver Algorithms: Purpose, Process and Performance,” by McGarry, et al., submitted to Earth and Space Science in early 2020. A description of the data contents and format is given in the first PDF document.  The naming conventions for both the files and folders are explained in the second PDF document.


Simplot Data Files (text files)

Document describing the Simplot file format and content (PDF)

Document describing the Simplot file and folder naming convention (PDF)


Questions should be directed to




Source Data for ATLAS Linear Impulse Response


Source data for the paper “ICESat-2/ATLAS Instrument Linear System Impulse Response” by C. T. Field, et al., submitted to Earth and Space Science. 


The format and contents of these files are as described for the ICESat-2 ATL02 data product [Martino, A. J., M. R. Bock, C. Gosmeyer, C. Field, T. A. Neumann, D. Hancock, R. L. Jones III, P. W. Dabney, C. E. Webb, and J. Lee. 2020. ATLAS/ICESat-2 L1B Converted Telemetry Data, Version 3. Boulder, Colorado USA. NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center. doi:


Thermal Vacuum Test Transition 2


Zero Range Test