Join the Applied Users Program
Interested in submitting a proposal? If you want to nominate yourself or others to be an Applied User, contact us at:
Applied Users
The ICESat-2 Applied Users program promotes applications research to provide a fundamental understanding of how ICESat-2 data products can be scaled and integrated into organizations' policy, business, and management activities to improve decision-making efforts.
ICESat-2 Applied Users (AUs) are defined as those groups and individuals who have a direct or clearly defined need for ICESat-2 data, who have an existing application, who have an interest in utilizing a proposed ICESat-2 product, and who are capable of applying their own resources (funding, personnel, facilities, etc.) to demonstrate the utility of ICESat-2 data for their particular system or model. Applied Users includes ICESat-2's 24 Early Adopters who committed to engage in pre-launch research to accelerate the integration of ICESat-2 products after launch in their specific application. Meet our applied users.
The goal of the Applied User designation is to provide individuals and groups with the unique opportunity to partner with ICESat-2 mission scientists in their discovery of the data. Applied Users commit to engage in post-launch research with specific support from the Mission and Applications Team, not only to accelerate the integration of ICESat-2 products into their specific application, but to provide the Mission with valuable feedback on how ICESat-2 can be used for decision support.
- Get support from a Science Definition Team (SDT) or Project Science Office (PSO) member: after acceptance into the program, you will join an SDT or PSO member as a partner and receive direct guidance and support on the functionality of the data products.
- Participate in quarterly webinars: the Applications team will host a quarterly webinar for Applied Users to share updates on the mission status, provide support and information on the data products, gather feedback, share schedules and timelines, and answer questions.
- Be in the know about ICESat-2: As an AU, you will be among the first to know about any new features of the science data products and to receive updates on the mission and ICESat-2 field campaigns.
- Get access to calibration and validation (cal/val) data: AU will be granted access to cal/val data from ICESat-2 field campaigns, modeling and synergistic studies via electronic file transfer, either through the ICESat-2 website or through the Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) at National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
- Reference lessons learned: AU will have the opportunity to interact and exchange lessons learned with the mission’s Early Adopters during quarterly webinars and at the various applications events.