ICESat-2: SIMPL Data by Date

ICESat-2: SIMPL Data by Date

Flight Date (UTC) Flight Descriptions/ Reports KML Files AVIRIS KML Files SIMPL Data AVIRIS Images Camera Images
Jul-21-2015 Instrument Check Flight (ICF), based out of LaRC flown on a G-LiHT line across the Great Dismal Swamp.
gps20150721.kml AVIRIS_ferrynorth_BGSF-BGTL.kml NA 20150721_camera.tar (37GB)
Jul-23-2015 Flight over the Great Dismal Swamp, Chesapeake Bay and buoys, based out of LaRC.
gps20150723.kml AVIRIS_ferrynorth_CYYR-BGSF.kml NA 20150723_camera.tar (15GB)
Jul-29-2015 Flight to calibrate ASD repeating a line from the interior accumulation zone to coastal ablation zone, based out of Thule.
gps20150729.kml AVIRIS_ferrynorth_KBTV-CYYR.kml NA 20150729_camera.tar (50GB)
Jul-30-2015 Flight to calibrate SIMPL repeating the same line from the interior accumulation zone to coastal ablation zone, based out of Thule.
SIMPL20150730.pdf SIMPL20150731.pdf
gps20150730.kml AVIRIS_ferrynorth_KVBW-KBTV.kml 007_20150730 NA 20150730_camera.tar (72GB)
Aug-03-2015 Flight over the southernmost coast-parallel lines in the ablation zone, with lots of melt ponds.
gps20150803.kml AVIRIS_20150803.kml 008_20150803 NA 20150803_camera.tar (75GB)
Aug-04-2015 Flight over slightly more northerly coast parallel lines in the ablation zone, with lots of melt ponds.
gps20150804.kml AVIRIS_20150804.kml 009_20150804 NA 20150804_camera.tar (72GB)
Aug-07-2015 Flight over sea ice north of Nares Strait, which was cloudy, but with some good surface returns.
gps20150807.kml AVIRIS_20150807.kml 010_20150807 NA 20150807_camera.tar (95GB)
Aug-10-2015 Flight over sea ice north of Nares Strait, which was also cloudy, with degraded surface return; this flight also crossed Lake Hazen, which probably melted out the week before we arrived Thule, when the local temperatures hit 60*.
gps20150810.kml AVIRIS_20150810.kml 011_20150810 NA 20150810_camera.tar (64GB)
Aug-11-2015 Flight over pack ice and open water in the southern Nares Strait.
gps20150811.kml AVIRIS_20150811_1.kml
NA 20150811_camera.tar (47GB)
Aug-12-2015 Flight toward Summit Camp, into the accumulation zone high-and-dry interior of the ice sheet.
gps20150812.kml AVIRIS_20150812.kml 013_20150812 014_20150812 015_20150812 NA 20150812_camera.tar (80GB)
Aug-13-2015 Flight over the coast-perpendicular flight lines that were missed earlier in the week.
gps20150813.kml AVIRIS_20150813.kml 016_20150813 017_20150813 NA 20150813_camera.tar (85GB)
Aug-14-2015 Flight over pack ice and open water in the southern Nares, an ICESat ice sheet line, and multiple ramp passes.
gps20150814.kml AVIRIS_20150814.kml 018_20150814 NA 20150814_camera.tar (75GB)
Aug-17-2015 Flight over coast parallel lines in the ablation zone.
gps20150817.kml AVIRIS_20150817.kml 019_20150817 NA 20150817_camera.tar (76GB)